May is Coming up Roses! (and other skin-healthy blossoms...). With April showers subsiding in many parts of the Northern Hemisphere, May flowers are beginning to emerge. This beautiful shift in landscape and gardens worldwide has long been cause to celebrate the first of May. After all, the history of May day dates back to ancient Roman times with the festival of Flora, the Roman goddess of flowers. In the centuries since, dancing around the maypole, crowning the Queen of May and giving neighbors "May Baskets" have been long-held traditions throughout Europe and America. In our founder Kerstin Florian's home country, Sweden, midnight bonfires and fireworks officially welcome the season when Scandinavians can start enjoying the outdoors and its lovely native blooms. And not only are flowers a sight to behold, but they also offer a bouquet of wellness benefits, from essential oil aromatherapy to cell cultured skincare. Here are some beautiful ways to incorporate and celebrate the beauty of flowers in your daily life.